Missoulian: Sexual assault prevention summit comes to University
of Montana
Not In Our State Sexual Assault Summit 2015
“The summit brings together professionals, leaders and students from around the state to participate in an educational training program following best practices surrounding sexual violence. Montana universities and their surrounding communities are able to learn how to empower survivors of sexual violence and learn how to create a campus climate that is free from oppression. Attendees will learn how to provide a safe, supportive campus and community through education and primary prevention initiatives.”
Not In Our State Sexual Assault Summit 2015
“The summit brings together professionals, leaders and students from around the state to participate in an educational training program following best practices surrounding sexual violence. Montana universities and their surrounding communities are able to learn how to empower survivors of sexual violence and learn how to create a campus climate that is free from oppression. Attendees will learn how to provide a safe, supportive campus and community through education and primary prevention initiatives.”