Saturday, December 24, 2016

NORAD Santa Tracker

NORAD Santa Tracker

"This Christmas Eve people all over the world will log on to the official Santa Tracker to follow his progress through U.S. military radar. This all started in 1955, with a misprint in a Colorado Springs newspaper and a call to Col. Harry Shoup's secret hotline at the Continental Air Defense Command, now known as NORAD."

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Questionable Montana Laws / Montana v. Wyoming

1. Simulated animal abuse
Title 45. Chapter 5. Part 6: Ritual Abuse Of Minor
actually or by simulation tortures, mutilates, or sacrifices an animal or person in the presence of the minor;

2. It is illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your truck without a chaperone.
If this was a law it was repealed.

3. Billings Ordinances Sec. 4-304. - Raising rats.
“It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, harbor, raise or give away rats as pets, toys, premiums, novelties, or for any other purpose except…”

4. Squirrel worrying
Excelsior Springs Ordinances- this law was repealed, and this wasn’t from Montana. Excelsior Springs is in Missouri, not Montana.

5. Kalispell pool tables
Kalispell Municipal Code.
19-30 Screens in Pool Rooms.
“It shall be unlawful for any person or the agent of employee of any person owning or conducting any place of business wherein is kept any pool table, billiard table or bagatelle table to place in front of the room or across the inside of the room, wherein is kept any such pool table, billiard table or bagatelle table for hire or gain, any screen, blind, curtain, shutter, painted, colored or ground glass or any article of furniture or any obstruction that would prohibit the view of such pool table, billiard table or bagatelle table from the street in front of such room or place of business wherein is kept any of the tables above described.”

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

American History for Dec. 20th

Not much to connect with in the news today, so here is some history.
Happy Dec. 20th!

In 1803 the Louisiana Purchase was completed.
Louisiana: European Explorations and the Louisiana Purchase
“The Louisiana Purchase is a landmark event in American history, one that had a lasting impact not only on the size of the United States, but also on its economic, cultural, and political makeup. Before President Thomas Jefferson's administration purchased the territory in 1803, parts or all of the territory had been under the control of various Native American nations.  From the 16th century onwards the Spanish and later the French controlled the territory.”
In 1941 The Flying Tigers engaged in their First Battle.
Image of a crew working on Flying Tiger plane from the Library of Congress 

Flying Tigers of WWII
“The Flying Tigers were officially called the American Volunteer Group, and were known for their planes with iconic shark faces on them.  They were equipped and recruited in the spring and summer of 1941, with the express purposed of aiding the Chinese in theater against the Japanese. The group trained at a Royal Air Force airfield in Burma that fall, but it was not until after the Pearl Harbor attack on 07 December 1941 that the group went into combat.  They were led by Lieutenant General Claire Lee Chennault (September 6, 1893 – July 27, 1958).”

Image of Jimmy Stewart from Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum in Hollywood CA, from the Library of Congress

In 1946 It’s A Wonderful Life was released in New York. The film was added to the National Film Registry in 1990.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Investment Fraud / Kennewick Man

“As alleged, Nordlicht and his cohorts engaged in one of the largest and most brazen investment frauds perpetrated on the investing public, earning Platinum more than $100 million in fees during the charged conspiracy.  Platinum Partners purported to be a standard bearer in the hedge fund industry, reporting annual average returns of more than 17 percent since inception in 2003.  In reality, their returns were the result of the overvaluation of their largest assets, which eventually led to Nordlicht and his co-conspirators operating Platinum like a Ponzi scheme, where they used loans and new investor funds to pay off existing investors,” stated United States Attorney Capers. 

Army Core of Engineers: Kennewick Man