Friday, June 10, 2016

Concealed Carry

Missoulian: Ruling on concealed weapons keeps applications on hold

“Under California law, a member of the general public may not carry a concealed weapon in public unless he or she has been issued a license. An applicant for a license must satisfy a number of conditions. Among other things, the applicant must show “good cause” to carry a concealed firearm. California law authorizes county sheriffs to establish and publish policies defining good cause.” 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Glacier Visitation/ Oil Prices/ Fuel Reduction in the Bitterroot

Petroleum & Other Liquids
“Find statistics on crude oil, gasoline, diesel, propane, jet fuel, ethanol, and other liquid fuels. Click on the blue bars below for information on petroleum prices, crude reserves and production, refining and processing, imports/exports, stocks, and consumption/sales.”

Forest Seeks Comments on Project
“The Bitterroot National Forest has released an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Meadow Vapor Project, a proposed fuels reduction and watershed improvement project east of Sula.  The project includes commercial timber harvests, non-commercial thinning, slash piling, and prescribed burning on approximately 3,200 acres of overstocked National Forest lands surrounding the Springer Memorial and Bonanza communities in the upper East Fork of the Bitterroot River.”

Tuesday, June 7, 2016
