Monday, August 26, 2013

Fires/ Weather/ Syria

“At this time, right now, we are unable to conclusively determine CW use, but we are focused, every minute of every day since these events happened yesterday, on doing everything possible within our power to nail down the facts. Also, as part of these efforts, the Secretary – and I mentioned a number of his calls, but part of that is working with, coordinating with, cooperating with his counterparts around the world and having those discussions. He did speak with Foreign Minister Fabius this morning. He’s spoken with a number of officials, and those calls will continue. But we are doing everything possible to use our resources, which includes coordinating and cooperating with our counterparts on the – around the world to get to the bottom of the facts on the ground.”

“President Obama convened a meeting of his National Security Council today to discuss the reported use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government on Wednesday, August 21 near Damascus.  In coordination with international partners and mindful of the dozens of contemporaneous witness accounts and record of the symptoms of those killed, the U.S. intelligence community continues to gather facts to ascertain what occurred.  The President also received a detailed review of a range of potential options he had requested be prepared for the United States and the international community to respond to the use of chemical weapons.”

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