Missoulian: Yellowstone bison to
be transferred to Fort Peck
“The management of bison near the boundary of Yellowstone National Park, which includes hazing, capture, culling, and vaccination, is unsettling to many people. Park rangers are often asked why bison are managed differently from other wildlife and not allowed to move freely into Montana and disperse to new areas. Conversely, other people believe bison should be kept in the park and either managed like livestock or hunted to reduce numbers below the capacity of the winter habitat to support them. Many constituents are adamant that Yellowstone bison should be relocated elsewhere instead of being culled (e.g., shipped to slaughter) due to concerns about brucellosis transmission to cattle.”
“The management of bison near the boundary of Yellowstone National Park, which includes hazing, capture, culling, and vaccination, is unsettling to many people. Park rangers are often asked why bison are managed differently from other wildlife and not allowed to move freely into Montana and disperse to new areas. Conversely, other people believe bison should be kept in the park and either managed like livestock or hunted to reduce numbers below the capacity of the winter habitat to support them. Many constituents are adamant that Yellowstone bison should be relocated elsewhere instead of being culled (e.g., shipped to slaughter) due to concerns about brucellosis transmission to cattle.”
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