Monday, February 23, 2015

Oil Derailments

“The low end of the range of estimated benefits estimates risk from 2015 to 2034 based on the U.S. safety record for crude oil and ethanol from 2006 to 2013, adjusting for the projected increase in shipment volume over the next 20 years. Absent this proposed rule, we predict about 15 mainline derailments for 2015, falling to a prediction of about 5 mainline derailments annually by 2034. The high end of the range of estimated benefits includes the same estimate of 5 to 15 annual mainline derailments predicted, based on the U.S. safety record, plus an estimate that the U.S. would experience an additional 10 safety events of higher consequence—nine of which would have environmental damages and monetized injury and fatality costs exceeding $1.15 billion per event and one of which would have environmental damages and monetized injury and fatality costs exceeding $5.75 billion—over the next 20 years.”

Oil Pipeline Profile, DOT

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